ただいま1月・2月限定で通常価格9000円の飲み放題プラン を6,500円(税込)でご予約受付ております。当店公式サイトもしくはお電話のみでのご案内となりますので、新年会やお食事会などで是非ご利用ください!《要予約・ 4名様以上でのご利用に限らせて頂きます。》


Contact Us
Click here to make a reservation

Online reservations are available 24 hours a day

Store Information

Official】 il Cardinale Ginza Cucina Italiana

Official】 il Cardinale Ginza Cucina Italiana

address (e.g. of house)
GINZA SIX 6F, 6-10-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Subway Ginza station 2 min. walk
Phone number
Business Hours
Business hours
Lunch 11:00 to 16:00 (L.O. 15:00)
Dinner from 17:30 to 23:00 (Course L.O 20:30 / Food L.O 21:30)
Same as building closing days.
regular closing day
Settlement Method
Credit Cards ;. VISA  master  UC  Amex  DINERS  JCB  UnionPay 
QR code payment ;. Rakuten Pay  PayPay  LINEPay  d-payment  Alipay  WeChatPay 
We are a registered invoice store. Receipts can also be issued.